Friday, June 27, 2008

What Part of MOVE OVER Don't You Understand???

God is working on me about my road-rage. I hope He's working with you too.
In the interim, it would be wonderful if our local DMV's would put out a Public Service Message on all major channels, in English AND Spanish, in LARGE PRINT for the elderly, and in bright neon lettering so that we all, no matter what age, or language we speak GET THE MESSAGE: LEFT LANE FOR PASSING ONLY!!!
I have considered becoming a graffiti artist, and instead of targeting railroad cars, I would focus soley on the left lane of the local highways. I would spray paint the message in the passing lane (AND IT IS A PASSING LANE) in glow-in-the-dark paint, each word spaced about 20 feet apart. MOVE THE BLAZES OVER!!!

WHY do we hog the passing lane??? It makes me nuts. It's not just me, and this isnt' about me... it's about safety. It is dangerous to pass on the right!

Maybe we should all be required to take a refresher class on defensive driving every 10 years?? (Oh don't groan!) It WOULD help.
But to make matters worse... the person in the passing lane isn't just oblivious...half the time they are DETERMINED to hold the absolute speed limit or just slightly below. Like they are policing that lane.

Another common scenario is; the person is on their cell phone and are completely unaware there is a line of traffic behind them eighteen cars deep. Or they don't care. Regardless, they are a hazard. WHY can't people on cell phones just make it a point to drive in (you guessed it) the RIGHT HAND LANE, also commonly known as the SLOW LANE???
So let's review: LEFT LANE (known as the FAST LANE or PASSING LANE) is to be utilized only for passing slower traffic in the other lanes to the right of them.
The middle lane is for cruising, and the far RIGHT LANE (SLOW LANE) is for talking on your cell phone, the elderly, and anyone about to exit to the right.
This is nationwide, and not unique to any one State. The abuse of this seems to be particularly rampent in TEXAS and most widely observed in KENTUCKY (GO KENTUCKY!!)
Spread the word... or better yet, OBSERVE, don't make me swerve, you've got some nerve, or you'll get the bird. ...
(Kidding... I don't give the bird. But in certain country's it means *PEACE*)
Just move over, .... Let me pass... get off your cell phone, and focus on the road.


"pastor" Jim Thompson said...

I hear ya! I have a friend who recently posted similar thoughts that you might be interested in reading:

I think those who stake out the left lane and sit on the speed limit see themselves as civilian law enforcement personnel, trying to slow down the speeders. If these "Barney Fife's" had the authority they'd be handing out speeding tickets left and right.

Unknown said...

YES! Lead, follow, or get out of the way!!


Sister Kelly

Dawn said... are so funny :-)
I get what you're saying though.

I remember growing up in Florida and when the 'snow birds' from up north would come down and live at their beach homes for 6 months they would drive like 20 mph in a 60 mph zone and you couldn't pass them and it would drive my mom insane. Still does in

Instead of getting angry and exasperating and what not, pray for these drivers. It works a lot better than feelings of anger. :-)

Dawn (Texas bound in 4 days)

Unknown said...

Sister Dawn, thank you.. I DO need to pray for these people. You know, I try very hard to look carefully and see if they are elderly... If so, I just let it go.... it can't be helped. If it's some yahoo on his cell phone, I will drive by and motion for them to hang up and move over:-)

But praying for them IS a good resolve. Let God handle them. And I need for God to grant me the graciousness to be tolerant. (I have some work in front of me, eh???)
