I have been on a church-hunt for 2 years. I know, I know... there isn't a *perfect* church, and if there WAS, it wouldn't be after I got there.
While I am certain I will never agree 100% with everything at any particular denomination, I am trying to find one that only has small peripheral issues that aren't salvational in nature to disagree with. Is that even possible anymore???
We have a church on every corner of our home town... I have been to several and find them all *nice*, but nothing that overwhelms me with a feeling like I have *come home*. In the past I have attended Pentecostal, (too scary for the hubby), Non-Denominational (Which means they really don't have to answer to anyone, they make up the rules as they go), Methodist, Episcopal, and every flavor of Baptist.
My husband is Lutheran... but has been out of that church for so long that I think even HE has difficulty keeping up with the program... so that's another denomination knocked out of the ballpark...
So, back to the Baptist Churches... there's always that OSAS issue... I still say you can walk away if you get a mind to... but for the most part, God saves by GRACE... I just always fear some will accept Jesus like cheap fire insurance... then go on sinning. It's not supposed to be that way. We should be wringing out our minds like a dirty washcloth from sin. Not just saying a prayer *just in case*.
So I ponder on...
I was blessed to speak to a Brethren friend this weekend, who politely chewed me a new behind. She pointed out that I need to find a decent church where the Word Of God is being preached and just settle in and get busy. Wise woman.
But where IS that church???
Do Denominations really matter???
I personally like the idea of a Statement Of Faith... but other than that; what should I be looking for? What questions do I ask??
I just don't want to get caught up in *religion*. I want genuine fellowship with mostly-like-minded believers. I don't want to just go to church because I feel obligated to... I want to go because I love to. You have to love the church to love to go. I don't always get a warm fuzzy from some churches...I don't care for indifference or complacency.
I want a church that is on fire for God, but not suckered into such modern modes of worship that they throw away the hymnals, and have a 75 member praise team.... each with an individual hand-held microphone... I am avoideding the churches that sing: *Our God Is An Awesome God* every other Sunday because noone know the words to *It Is Well Within My Soul*. (Can't we do BOTH??)
I want a church with standards!! Not a church that says any rule enforced is *legalistic*...
I want the real church.... The people I will share heaven with.
I want to fellowship with people who don't mind standing for something... and don't sell out because of popular culture. I want to find people who will help each other, help the helpless, feed and house the homeless, and minister to those those in prison. I want to find the body of Christ.
Got any pointers??? I'm all ears.
Got any pointers??? I'm all ears.
sounds like we share the same problem...let me know when you find the answer
LOL.. will do Kristen!!!
I would love to go back to the Mennonites, but Scott is not on board.. and then it's a matter of D&R... Grrrr.... I understand... but then I don't. Ya know???
Hi. I came across your blog and your this particular post is so much how I feel, I had to say something! We've been having lots of struggles finding a place that speaks the word of God without fear. We're currently going to a Church of Christ, but even it isn't doing those things that the Bible says... ahhh... I found a great article about denominations here... http://www.matthew548.com/denom.html. What I've realized is that we're not following the Biblical example of where the church met and I'm thinking this may be a big portion of why things are out of control! Visit me if you want... www.darelinagreen.blogspot.com
Boy am I with you, I so want a place to be on fire for the Lord. I Have been looking for 2+ years. If you find one let me know. I have not been to church for over a year, I get so tired of the do and don'ts that are not even biblical and the seeker church mentality, anything goes.
OH! throw caution to the wind and become a Catholic. We have such great acoutraments.
Well... this is a small world! LOL... I don't know why I didn't realize who you were before. Hello! :)
First- Let me give a shout out to Sister Mary Martha!! So happy you stopped by and yes, I have considered Catholism... Never say never, right? (Most Mennonites would not consider it)
I am WOWED that you stopped by...Your at near-cult-status among bloggers. lol
And Darelina... I adore you sis. Thanks for responding. We will keep in touch through our blogs.
Mrs. Hunt,
I found your site through conversations you had with Brian over at www.inrepair.net
I love your site. May I have your permission to add you to my blog roll and have a link to your site on my blog?
I'm intrigued by this post and so appreciative of your honesty! I say "Amen!" to your comments. My favorites: "We should be wringing out our minds like a dirty washcloth from sin. Not just saying a prayer *just in case*...I don't want to just go to church because I feel obligated to... I want to go because I love to. You have to love the church to love to go.I want the real church.... The people I will share heaven with. I want to fellowship with people who don't mind standing for something... and don't sell out because of popular culture. I want to find people who will help each other, help the helpless, feed and house the homeless, and minister to those those in prison. I want to find the body of Christ."
Feel free to visit me at www.pastorjimthompson.blogspot.com
Sorry, We also are having this problem. Whar suits me does not suit my kids & whatever we do we are going to have to travel. *sigh* I wish God would just plonk me down & say,' Here, this one.'
Pastor Jim,
Forgive me for the late response. Yes, you may absolutely add me to your blog list.
Brian is a wonderful person. I have enjoyed corresponding with him.
Also, I'm glad you appreciate my honesty. It often gets me in trouble.:-)
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