Monday, April 14, 2008

Partners In Crime

Saturday I took Star and Hutch to the vet for their annual check up. You know how some people will do anything for money??? Well, these two will do anything for a treat. They were not the least bit bothered by all the needle-pricking, and orifice poking. Just give them the snack!

Later in the day, I am working on my garden in the backyard. I have eight tomato plants, and I have enough room left for about 10 rows of corn. I roto-till compost in until the earth is soft and grainy. Perfect. Then I rake out the grass and make it level.
I take my hoe, and make perfectly straight rows,... and then take my hoe and punch holes about 10 inches apart all the way down, dropping 2 seeds in each one. When I get to the forth row, I am exhausted! So I lay the package of remaining seeds where I stopped, and I go inside for a drink of water.
I return to find my seed corn GONE, and my dogs with a sheepish grin on their face. Now, I am over 40, so just to be sure I haven't just misplaced the corn, I scour the house, the kitchen, and retrace my steps. This entire time the dogs are making themselves scarce.
At last I go back to the garden, and call the dogs. They won't come which is an admission of guilt in my book.
I approach them like I want to play, and ask for *sugar* (kisses)... they both jump up and lick my face. Their breath smells like FRITOS!! Busted.

I have noone to blame but myself. I left the gate open thinking they would have no interest in anything there.

BUT, it would be easier to deal with if they didn't look so smug about it.


Heidi said...

Smither's says, this is what you get when you own your heart and our seed packets to any creature other than a Dachshund.

Unknown said...

Smithers, THANK YOU for your infinate wisdom! ROFL...
